This website is for general information only. Information on this website is a form of advertising. Information on this website should not be considered, and is not intended, as legal advice. Legal advice can only be given after the parties enter into an attorney-client relationship. Viewing this website or submitting information through this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. This site is not an offer to represent you.
In order to establish an attorney-client relationship, we must discuss your matter personally and you must sign a written agreement for representation.
Information sent to this website is protected using standard internet protocol. As such, it is not guaranteed to be free from detection on servers transmitting this email. In theory, this means that third parties could read your email. We will treat any information we receive from you as confidential.
Once you contact us, we may send you promotional information unless you ask us not to. We will never sell or distribute your email or mailing address to third parties.
Each case is unique. Awards, verdicts or settlements in one case are no guarantee of the same or similar results in another case.
(c) 2013 Alan Schnoll
In order to establish an attorney-client relationship, we must discuss your matter personally and you must sign a written agreement for representation.
Information sent to this website is protected using standard internet protocol. As such, it is not guaranteed to be free from detection on servers transmitting this email. In theory, this means that third parties could read your email. We will treat any information we receive from you as confidential.
Once you contact us, we may send you promotional information unless you ask us not to. We will never sell or distribute your email or mailing address to third parties.
Each case is unique. Awards, verdicts or settlements in one case are no guarantee of the same or similar results in another case.
(c) 2013 Alan Schnoll